Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Object of Thanksgiving

Historians bent on eliminating the Christian roots of our civilization have been plying their trade in our school textbooks for years. In the mid-1980s, Prof. Paul Vitz of New York University carefully analyzed sixty textbooks utilized in elementary schools across the country. Among his findings was the following: “In grades 1 through 4 these books introduce the child to U.S. society. . . . None of the books . . . contain one word referring to any religious activity in contemporary American life.”

He cites the following example. One social studies book includes thirty pages on the Pilgrims, without a single word referring to their religious beliefs. A boy utilizing this text went home and told his mother, “Thanksgiving was when the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians.” When challenged by the boy’s mother that the Pilgrims in fact gave thanks to God, the boy’s principal argued that they could only teach what was in the books!

What were the Pilgrims thinking? We are not left to wonder. Gov. William Bradford declared the following in November of 1623: “All ye Pilgrims with your wives and little ones, do gather at the Meeting House, on the hill . . . there to listen to the pastor, and render Thanksgiving to the Almighty God for all His blessings.”

Doubtless the Pilgrims appreciated the aid rendered by friendly Indians; they recognized divine providence at work. But before their feet first imprinted New England soil, the Mayflower Compact revealed their true motivations. Signed by all 41 men on board, this document declared that their voyage had been “undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith.”

These brave souls were driven to risk their lives to establish a new civilization because of their Christian faith. Any other explanation for their actions is historigraphical malpractice.

This Thanksgiving season, don’t fail to render thanks to the Almighty for His bountiful provision.

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